August 11th, 2012 – Temple NH Glass Works Historic Site

While the weather forecast did not sound promising a hearty band of workers showed up and accomplished the primary task for the day and more. 75 feet of ditch was realigned and hardened while at the same time leveling, widening, and smoothing the trail surface. One seasonal wet area was ditched to promote water to drain rather than pond. Another crew worked on encouraging water to drain through a stonewall to limit the ponding that occurs there and to allow for the soils to dry out. It looks like it will be a future bridge project as there is no opportunity to move the trail to a better location. In addition 4 new waterbars were installed and a handful of rocks were plucked from the trail surface. We were able to move a good sized rock using the Walk-E-Dog winch ( works and looks like a griphoist winch). We had just finished all that when it started to thunder and we got cooled off by a light rain. Pizza was provide at the Town Hall by the Project sponsors. Everyone agreed, a great day was had by all. Thanks to all that participated, it was an easy day for me. – Bob Spoerl