A group of 4 Trailwrights spent a combined 40 hours continuing the work started on September 14th, a long day for certain. This area is at the third water crossing just below the Bald Peak junction, 2 miles from the parking lot. We quarried rocks from the vicinity, some of which were installed as rock steps and others used to reinforce the up-stream side of the lower rock steps or placed as scree. The left side of the trail facing up hill was brushed in. We installed 5 rock steps, adding to the 3 placed on the 14th. Unlike on the 14th, the water levels in the streams were at seasonal lows. The cool temps were great for moving rock and no bugs. A big thanks to all those who assisted in the needed improvements made to a badly eroded section of my adopted trail.
As a side note, on the 14th the majority of hikers passing by were headed for the Kinsmans, those representing the FOT48 for S. Kinsman, an AMC over 55 group for N. Kinsman and several independent groups. On the 28th, the majority headed to Bald Peak. – Bruce
Please visit our Facebook page to view photos from this work day.