Latest Past Events

Artist Bluff / Bald Mt. trail workday

Artist Bluff 2750 NH-18, Franconia

Artist Bluff/Bald Mt. – Our annual spring clean up to include erosion control and treadway improvement.  Take I-93 Exit 34C, turn left onto Rt 18, we will meet in the

Fox Forest trail workday

Fox State Forest 309 Center Road, Hillsboro

Fox Forest, Hillsboro - Clearing trails from downed trees and other storm damage, brushing back encroaching vegetation.  Meet at the Fox Forest HQ at 8:30. Contacts Bruce Richards or Bob Spoerl

Trailwrights Annual Meeting

Fox State Forest 309 Center Road, Hillsboro

Save this date:  Sat., April 22 at 9:00 at Fox Forest, Hillsboro, NH for our annual meeting. We need you!  The agenda this year includes: Cleaning tools; Ice Cream; Election